Sunday, March 23, 2008


I fancy the foam
That dares to spill from my
Mug to the coffee
Like the melting ice
Dripping from the cone in your
A sudden cool sensation on your
So I can reach out and—

And I secretly wish you were holding
My hand under the table
After a long conversation about
Our lives and wasting it; glazed eyes and
Nervous laughter and
More laughing for no reason
But maybe out of
Simple glee
Giddiness we tried not to show
Sneaking right through our
Grinning and—

Gritting teeth,
Fists clenched as tight and small as
Our hearts
As hard as the table
That could’ve been made of
Steel; tough,

Indestructible like our hearts
That struggled to never give way
Never give it away
Never let a drop of coffee
Or melted cream
Waste all our efforts and—

And a sudden burning sensation.
You wipe my hand.


Sasha Martinez said...

Oysst! I replied to your comment pala, hehe. Punta ka na dun, bilis. :p

Corinthe said...

haha, i just read this one. I don't want to assume, but you must have a pretty charming muse.

hehe. I lab you Therese! <3

Therese San Diego said...



Therese San Diego said...

Oh, and I lab you, too, Cor! =D